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Andrew | Bass 
Rico | Vocals 
Sam | Guitar
Eric | Percussion

Congratulations, TWT fan #:

[havin' a party? Call TWT!]

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check this ish out then head to where the real action is

Admiral, what is your malfunction?

march 31st '03
hello.  it's sam at cornell university in ithaca, new york.   it's snowing - a little shocking for a westerner like myself.  still, it's really pretty cool.  wonderful people like jamie beilin and susie are hosting me, and the fabulous cornell guys ice hockey team just advanced to the frozen four (they're real good).   good times.  this college business is tiring, but that is the life for all twt afficionados....what?   i don't know.  twt may be playing a show with onesidezero soon - we'll keep you updated.  and if not, at the troubador in the next month or two for sure.  alrite everyone, send your love to bassi.  peace where we need it,  ----st

he's sexy and 17
why does it look like i'm flapping my wings in this whisky picture?
thank you to all you beautiful people who made the show wonderful!
oookay nevermind that last update. The Whisky show is FRIDAY February 21st!!! at 8:30. Buy tickets from us (It's cheaper than buying at the door) by emailing or call Sam at (310) 562 3492.

    Thanks to all of you who came out to Pugz Music to see us last Friday! we had a great time and hopefully so did you. A couple things are important that should be dealt with first: *THE WHISKY-A-GO-GO SHOW IS SATURDAY THE 22ND, NOT THE 21ST!!!* Hows that for band organization?? We know our own shows... we promise. check out the shows page for details.
     The website is still in progress, but still check this one out cause it WILL be updated! In the meantime we're still cranking out new material and looking to record a demo in the near future.
     In other news, Rico was seriously injured during a soccer game, and will be receiving minor organ surgery and a leg amputation. For information on where to send flowers and cards and other condolenses, email

Hope you guys like the old school Then We Will Thrash-era X-mas web decor. It'll be up for nostalgia factor until the NEW AND IMPROVED site is posted. If you guys haven't noticed, our website is now, so change your bookmarks. Also updated the shows page and contact info.
Happy holidays from TWT! just wanted to let you guys know that before the new year the TWT website is gonna be COMPLETELY REVAMPED and relocated. until then, vote for us at, sign the guestbook, be merry.

NEW LYRICS : port olimpic barcelona, get out, little ms. debonaire, westside riders
NEW SHOWS : friday february 21st 2003 @ whisky a go go, and of course sat. dec. 7th @ paige museum/la brea tarpits
love, twt

Guten Tag,
    Apologies for the lack of updates, tripod was being strange again and we had to go over to their HQ and bust some ass before we could update the site. Exciting things are happening in the TWT world! We're playing the marlborough semiformal december 7th, but this is no ordinary dance, foks. We have our own room  in the Paige Museum of LA BREA TAR PITS, so grab a marlborough date or four or five and come check us out while you go on a tour visiting mastadons and saber tooth tigers. It'll be chill. Also, we're 99% gonna play the HW coffee house Friday November 22nd. expect acoustic instruments and bassi and congas. thats all for now, check the Shows page for more details.
    Also, for those who haven't been informed (like Bassi), the name of our band is officially TWT. check out the FAQ for more details.
Andrew the non-jew

16 October 2002
TWT awakens!  This new year has started and so has the season of TWT, the neverending season that is... Our site is new and improved, with a working (!) guestbook, member info, show updates, lyrics, pictures, randomness, downloads and hippos.  Though Hester Prynne steals away our time, we have been hard at work writing and playing as much as possible.  New songs are in the rotation, including Ms. Debonair, Westside Riders and a few others.  November 16th or December 14th we'll have another wonderful Whisky show, and meanwhile we're just gonna keep on perfecting the glorious music making machine that is TWT.
So sign the guestbook, explore the site, tell us what you think, go to the zoo, get arrested, download songs.
Peace in the Carolinas,
-Sam Teller

happy halloween kiddies. we're playing the battle of the bands at HW high school next saturday, we're doing the Marlborough semiformal in december and Archer Battle of bands sometime in the near future. new song:Little miss debonaire. hubba

august 8th
hey new site design. some updates: I'm buying a new bass, Bassi is back from europe (so give him a call), Sam is selling watches, Rico's bro has a new cd, Gio is still sexy. this isn't much of a news thing so i'll leave sam's up too.
p.s. for a good time rightclick the gridlike backdrop in the upperlefthand corner and save as backdrop. courtesy of us.

3 August 2002
Bonjour!   So as this summer goes by too quickly, I continually find it depressing that the constant TWT flow of great music had to be interrupted in order to conquer Europe.  I just have been in Spain for a month, Gio is now there cleaning up in Ibiza.  Now Rico J. Estrada and I are ripping up Paris until he goes to Spain with Giovanni.   Eric is lost somewhere in Europe - how would we know?  He's just the drummer.  Andrew is studying UCLA psychology in Los Angeles, holding down the fort, but he soon with also be coming to Spain.   So its a Spanish TWT summer; maybe look for some of that influence in the nez fall material.  I'm working in a Swatch store selling watches and learning languages, but Andrew is truly admirable as he is learning about human nature and brains and shit AND writing songs like a madman.   So there you go.   Hope summer is wonderful so far,
King Samuel Jean Lambert III of France

June 22th 200000000002
So.   We had a really great show at the Whisky on the 15th.  It sounded great, partially because of the amazing band but mostly because of the amazing crowd.  Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who came to support us!!
In other news, Then We Will Thrash will unfortunately not be playing until early September because for the next two months band members will all be on different sides of the planet.  New songs will be written, shows will be played, a new name will be chosen, fun will be had, world cups will be won.  So don't forget us over the summer, we won't forget you - we'll be back,
hasta la vista, baby

26 May 2002
Hi there-
So its been awhile since this here website got updated, but thats gonna change right now.   School is almoooost done, and that means the summer tour is on the way =).   Ok, maybe not, but I hope you're all gonna be with us at the Whisky June 15th (get your tix in advance from us, cuz they're cheaper than door tix)...So sign the guestbook, and expect some new stuff as soon as school gets out and we can spend some time doing this for reals.
p.s. eli says hello

Ssssssso my friends~
We have : 2 new shows with 2 more to come in the next 2 weeks - we have 2*2 (four) new songs including Twenty Steps, Kiss Me (and I'll throw you off a bridge), and Italy and 2 more to come any minute now.  We have 2 more band members, or not... We've got 2 meets til the end of the track season.  And we all have 2 new papers we have to write which means 2 thousand less hours of free time.  2 es le meilleur.  Except not.
Check the 2 updated pages - shows and lyrics and so yah...

hey babies
we have some new songs - like 4 to be exact, and next band practice we're gonna work em out and have more lyrics for you (cuz you'll be singing along in no time) and stuff....and we have some home recording equipment compliments of bassi incorporated so we'll see if we can funk it up with that - hubo una tormenta en cuba?

march 27~
so finally finally FINALLY tripod fixes our services, and we'll have news and updates once again. and Yes, although its a little late enough people brought up the fact that the mcreds show was March 22nd, NOT february, but a little late. And speaking of which the show was a blast! videos and pics to come soon. Our school is to hold another battle of the bands sometime in aruond 2 weeks or so, which will feature 2 stages and we'll definetly be playing so come check that out, we'll keep you posted. in further news Rico is in Colorado Sam is checking out the set of Harry Potter 2 in London Gio is in Chatsworth and me and Bassi are headin' out to the beach. happy easter to all who need apply. late!

Its saturday, march 9th 9 12:40 AM and 5 seconds
Hola hola hola. listening to the strokes right now. good stuff reminds me of velvet underground and that old new york prepunk stuff. for those with the cd i reccomend 5, 7 and 9. and 11. TWT PLAYS ANOTHER SHOW AT MCREDS BAR on february 22nd, we go on at 8:30 pm. 21 and over, sorry kiddies. HOWEVER you can see us online the night and time of the event LIVE at, so dont miss out. btw, to all the loyal fans out there, you may have noticed a little shock in the system with too many people visiting the site and it shutting down. so u all know we've upgraded and polished things up and thats never gonna happen again :) some new things check out the bio sections, and a few more liyrcs. i'll catch you in the river.
Andrew Lim
p.s. yah the counter is a little haywire, is down for the moment. should be back by end of the week

2 . 24 . 86
happy birthday to me!


thanks again to mcreds for having us play the other night. recorded vocals and mixed sunday/spin/its not anna this morning. our demo is 3 songs closer to being completed :) and thank you to all those who saw us live online at teh show. a good evening to you all.

andrew lim


Helloooo everyone! So, tonite is our show at McRed's. Unfortunately though, its 21+...BUT you can still see TWT LIVE at WWW.MCREDS.COM at around 8:01pm tonite when we go on. So if you happen to be chillin' in la casa, put away the hand lotion and tune in to for some fun. Don't worry though everyone, we'll start to play shows that we ALL can go to from now on. Peace out home skillets-

Eric and Sam


Season's greetings and such~
TWT officially has enough songs to have to alphabetize the lyrics section! in other news Bassi gets his drivers liscence(!), Rico sells his soul to Martha Stewart, Sam is on his way to new guitar amp ownership, Andrew poses for playgirl magazine, and Giovanni conquers the San Fernando valley. look for shows VERY VERY soon, keep checkin for updates, and i'll see you sexy ladies and gents there.


February Seventh Two Tone Thousand Thom Two

Unfortunately, due to a sharp increase in school work, Andrew and Sam are considering relinquishing the TWT song writing duties, and passing the torch to Eric and Rico. Having about 14 minutes total of free time on a daily basis leaves no time for a healthy songwriting schedule. Hopefully Omar and the Escuela will back down soon enough, but these days no other word than insanity can do justice in describing our lives. Hope you ladies appreciate how I spent half of my daily free time on this just for you.

love and peace in the Middle East


! February 1st !

Aahlan wa-saahlan! (Thats kinda like "hi" in Arabic, but transliterated...) So, now that we've recorded all these songs, it turns out that we're having a bit of trouble actually getting a CD from the man. And without a CD, we can't listen and figure out what needs to be played with, and without knowing what needs changing, it doesn't make tons of sense to go in and mix tomorrow as originally planned. This means that it'll be a few extra days before we have a real 10 song TWT CD available. This time might also be a bit longer if we decide to add a liner/sleeve. These are the questions that need answering. Also, please tell us what you think about liner vs no liner, etc. Your help is dandy like the warhols, (and so are you. =)


Tuesday 29 de Enero

Yeh yeh yeh so we just came back from the studio today, and get this, we recorded eight songs!!! EIGHT!!! And in 5 hours! Songs are Thin Air, Its Not Anna, Sunday, Never and a Day, Spin, Watch the World, Two Tone Thom, and What About. These and the other two tracks Saturday and the Bend make 10 songs! Thats longer than anything Weezer's put out, damn straight. So we're going back to the man on Friday to work out kinks and get things all nice and cheerily mixed and such and in a few short weeks we will be sure to have a full length cd! All news in due time. Oh and as a bonus we have footage of the session today, including wonderful things such as us playing and singing, and me mooning rico with my beautifully tanned ass while playing bass :) In other news theres some more info on the shows section - be sure to check out our gig at McRed's bar in the valley (even though its 21+)... kickin it'...


Jan 27

Hello ladies.
So we are recording for sure this Tuesday. Hopefully, if all goes well, we will record : Never and a Day, Sunday, Thin Air, It's Not Anna, Spin and Watch the World. SIX songs in FIVE hours. Wow, I'm getting excited just thinking about it...riiiight. So, there are some new changes to the site, like the new FAQ page, the updated SHOWS page, the updated CONTACT US page (contact info for TWT if you don't speak English), the compressed PHOTOS page, the funky new SPIN page, and the TWT approved MEMBER BIOS page. In other news, Eric DID fail his driving test again - starting down the Macbethian slippery slope of having Sam maybe get his license first. Also, if you happen to be watching the Discovery Channel, check out this wonderful show "Blue Planet." Its amazing with all the crazy whales and insane little penguins - it makes you wanna adopt a beluga of your own. Later amigos,



Bon jour tout le monde - so we've decided to get off our finals-taking butts and go record some more! This Tuesday we're gonna attempt to put down 5 songs in 5 hours; who knows if its possible... Then, if all goes as planned, mixing next weekend and a nice little EP for y'all in a couple weeks. On other topics, Eric MIGHT have gotten his driver's license today, so give a him a good firm handshake.
Ok, see you peoples later



Hey party people - new things : 1) bios page - find out all the secret info on your favorite TWT member; Collect All Four! 2) More lyrics up... 5) Remember you can download The Bend and Saturday on the Music page. 4) There are lots of fun pictures for your listening enjoyment. (6) I love you all) 6) We have two new songs as of Monday!
Ok, so sign the guestbook, especially you Nina, and keep on rockin


January Nineteenth

Hello fellow friends and llama lovers,
so as it turns out the show at the Whisky has been postponed so everyone in all the bands can prepare and make it the most flipped-out crazy cool show ever - so the show with THOSE bands will be in June. But do not fret - we promise to play for you within 2 months, or your pizza is free....right, anyways the point is that we'll keep you posted about anything and everything so keep checking and spreading the TWT love.



TWT will be playing a show monday, january 28 at the whisky!!!! don't miss out on this. bands to perform include Ghetto Fabulosos, Azul, The Socials, Brodie and possibly more, we'll keep you posted on the 'shows' section. tickets will be $5,we're playing a good set of at least 7 songs, information about times will be up in a jiff.
Here we go again... latau



Le 16 Janvier

Hello my Latin ladies-
there are more pictures and random stuff around the site, so look around (and sign the guestbook)...


January 14, Two Thousand Two

Hola chiquitos - we've got the rough cut versions of Saturday and The Bend available to download onto your very own computers (so get on it)! Also, if you want to laugh like a kookaburra on speed, check out what real ultimate power is (on the links page)...Later amigos,


p.s. There are also some photos up, and more lyrics! Yahoo!

January 13, 2002

Oh and one more thing... guestbook is up so do sign. it brightens our day and boosts our confidence levels, no joke. learn to love! leave a message. guten noche


January 13, 2002

We have a website! yeeess. We got good feedback from our last two song demo The Bend/Saturday, and in a couple weeks we'll have another 3 or so songs recorded and to have an actual demo. We'll put the remixed versions of The Bend and Saturday on the site for your downloading pleasure in a few days so don't fret. In other news, drummer Eric Bassi failed his first drivers liscence test (ran a left turn) and singer Rico Estrada missed practice the other day. Well, catch ya next update, in the meantime sit back and watch the buckets roll. Late.


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